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Jan. 20, 2023 – The alcohol industry is an ever-changing environment that challenges retail marketers to adapt to new demands in the hopes of expanding their brand and building consumer loyalty. The most successful brands use their point-of-sale tools to engage their audience with their brand stories in-store to create a lasting impression on shoppers.

Here are some of the best practices that retail marketers should consider in the alcohol industry:

1. Share Values with Consumers

In addition to valuing simple ingredients and sustainable business practices, many consumers align themselves with brands who also go the extra mile to support communities through donations, fundraisers, and other charitable acts. Brands who actively invest in the issues their customers care about can gain sales and brand loyalty (and additional donations) online and off.

2. Embrace New Drinking Lifestyles

Alcohol brands have long aligned their marketing with a lifestyle—with the culture around drinking changing, brands have an opportunity to embrace the new lifestyle.

3. Leverage Digital Media

Digital engagement is important with online ordering on the rise and stores tightening up display space. Focusing on an enhanced digital experience and online orders can help grow awareness and sales. The pandemic enhanced and grew the eCommerce space for many industries, including alcoholic beverages, which means it’s crucial to think of ways to engage the audience online.

4. Reward Consumers in Relevant & Meaningful Ways

Alcohol brands are usually associated with lifestyles. The best promotions then, offer consumers “experiential” rewards that integrate and expand upon a “desirable lifestyle.”